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Matagorda, Texas

Family RV Convo:

Where to next?

Oh, I don't know, just pick a place near the beach.

There's a beach in Texas?

Of course there's a beach in Texas - a lot of beach!

What are we waiting for, let's go!

But Texas is big, so the shortest distance please....

Enter: Matagorda - a township located near the mouth of the Colorado River on the Upper Texas coast.

"Our little secret" the locals say. Matagorda is primarily a tourist town with commercial and recreational fishing being the top industries.

While renting kayaks, we quickly found out that. Matagorda is known as one of the best kayaking and kayak fishing destinations on the Texas coast due to miles of shallow marsh area only accessible by kayak. There are miles of designated paddling trails in the area, so we did our part and explored the isolated beaches via paddle boat!

The 3rd oldest town in Texas, Matagorda was established in 1827 when Stephen F. Austin obtained permission from the Mexican government to build a town to protect incoming settlers. Elias R. Wightman, who was one of Stephen F. Austin’s early surveyors, traveled to Matagorda in 1829 with 60 immigrant settlers.

The most popular activity in Matagorda is visiting the beach. It provides access to both East and West Matagorda Bays, Matagorda Beach, and the Gulf of Mexico.

If you are an avid bird watcher and fan of the wetlands, Matagorda County has been #1 in the nation since 1997 in the North American Audubon Bird Count with 234 different species spotted. Among them are the Prairie warbler, Common poorwill, Broad-winged hawk, MacGillivray's warbler, and Swainson's warbler.

We are really enjoying this sleepy little beach town, hate to leave it - we're doing our best to soak it all in before hitting the rode again.

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