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Leaving Day

We all get a little melancholy when it's 'Leaving Day'. This stop was especially hard to leave. We stumbled upon Matagorda Bay, Texas, which just happens to have RV hook-ups on an isolated Gulf Coast beach. This stop didn't have a bunch of 'bells and whistles' which was a nice break, as it allowed us to focus on us and the simple things, like sea side exploration. Up until this trip it has been few and far between that we as a family actually sat and had candid conversations about life, our futures and the world beyond Ohio. It's hard to imagine going back to the way 'it was' in the O'Do home. There is no doubt change is going to happen, and we are just as excited about it as we are this adventure. Exploration opens the mind, expands the heart and awakens the soul, we look forward to bringing this state of mind back home.

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