The land of 10,000 lakes!
Minnesota you beautiful state you, you blind-sided us! Minnesota, with it's lush farmlands and panoramic views that seem to extend to the edge of the Earth - left us wanting more. Minnesota, in our humble opinion, was just another Big 10 state, we were quickly self-corrected! It's cool-list almost rivals Ohio, almost:
- They're really nice here in Minnie and have the best accents, you betcha!
- We need to thank Minnesota for Bob Dylan, Prince and Morris Day.
- Their unemployment rate is the lowest in the nation!
- While it's midwestern, hipsters are aplenty!
- TARGET was born in Minnesota - there I said it!
We didn't get much time in Minnesota, but enough to leave a good opinion. We'd come back for a long weekend and camp at one of their many lakes - you betcha!